Install slack no admin access
Install slack no admin access

The plugin installer creates a folder for those certificates in /var/lib/teleport/plugins/slack/ - so just move the certificates there and make sure the config points to them. In the Teleport section, use the certificates you've generated with tctl auth sign before. Could be "INFO", "ERROR", "DEBUG" or "WARN". Could be "stdout", "stderr" or "/var/lib/teleport/slack.log" severity = "INFO" # Logger severity. Token = "xoxb-11xx" # Slack Bot OAuth token # recipients = ","YYYYYYY"] # Optional Slack Rooms # Can also set suggested_reviewers for each role # When using -format=file: # identity = "/var/lib/teleport/plugins/slack/auth_id" # Identity file # When using -format=tls: # client_key = "/var/lib/teleport/plugins/slack/auth.key" # Teleport TLS secret key # client_crt = "/var/lib/teleport/plugins/slack/auth.crt" # Teleport TLS certificate # root_cas = "/var/lib/teleport/plugins/slack/auth.cas" # Teleport CA certs # For Teleport Cloud, should be in the form ":443". # Should be port 3025 for Auth Server and 3080 or 443 for Proxy. # Example slack plugin configuration TOML file We currently only provide linux-amd64 binaries, you can also Location as plugins have a low memory footprint, and will require both public internet accessĪnd Teleport Auth access. We recommend installing the Teleport Plugins alongside the Teleport Proxy. Then scroll to Scopes, and add chat:write, incoming-webhook, users:read, scopes so that our plugin can post messages to your Slack channels.Īfter adding to the workspace, you still need to invite the bot to the channel. On the App screen, go to “OAuth and Permissions” under Features in the sidebar menu. This is required by Slack for the app to be installed - we'll only need a single scope to post messages to your Slack account.Īpp Name: Teleport Development Slack Workspace: Pick the workspace you'd like the requests to show up in. Create a new app, pick a name and select a workspace it belongs to.

#Install slack no admin access how to#

We'll create a new Slack app and setup auth tokens and callback URLs, so that Slack knows how to notify the Teleport plugin when Approve / Deny buttons are clicked. ttl=8760h exports a 1 year token Create Slack App For production deployments, the -ttl flag can be used to ensure a more practical certificate lifetime. By default, tctl auth sign produces certificates with a relatively short lifetime.

Install slack no admin access